High-Achieving Professionals
Helping you find balance in your career and relationships.
Stress. Every. Single. Day.
You picked your career because of your passion and interest in the field. You’ve worked hard, but the dread, stress, and anxiety have overshadowed any positive feelings . The fear that these feelings might never go away is enough to make your stomach churn and your head pound. The thought of going to sleep at night fills you with a sense of dread. Not because you aren’t tired…in fact, you are exhausted…but because you know that at some point you are going to wake up in a cold sweat, worried about the next day or even anxious about your career months from now. You don’t understand why you feel this way. You’ve worked hard to get a great job in a career field that you love, and yet the dread never really goes away. Friday night is the best because you know you have a day or so to relax. On Sunday afternoon you start to feel that dark cloud coming over you as Monday approaches. You want to fix this feeling and fast.
Fear of failure.
Many people find life overwhelming when there's too much on their plate. Clients who begin therapy as a high-achieving professional feel like they are walking in quicksand. Perhaps you can relate. Maybe you try and rush to get through whatever you are doing, and no matter how much you succeed there is a feeling of never being successful or accomplishing enough. Stuck in negativity, feeling defeated and like a failure, you may feel like life is unfulfilled with both internal and external factors applying pressure and guilt.
Do you feel insecure, stressed, and have feelings of failure?
Do any of the following resonate with you?
Your energy levels are at an all time low.
You have an insane schedule that doesn't let you rest.
You feel like you're living at a frenzied pace leaving you frazzled and stressed.
You feel like you are wandering through life, feeling like something is missing or your balance is “off”.
You feel like there are so many things to manage and your forever growing "to-do list" leaves you feeling completely overwhelmed.
If this sounds true for you, I want you to know that even though you strive for high-achieving success, seeking guidance to help you face daily career and personal obstacles is completely okay! Even those with huge success need someone to talk to for help balancing life. Counseling isn't a sign of weakness or failure, it is knowing that you have the strength to ask for help. Professionals with the most success in life are able to recognize when they need someone to work with them during times of increased stress and pressure.
Therapy can help you feel less stress and anxiety.
Really feel joy.
Improve your relationships with family and friends.
Be high energy, motivated, and ambitious.
Have improved attitude, mood, and productivity.
Figure out who you are and what direction to go in next.
Stop letting anxiety affect the way you live or make any decisions for you.
Relief for you.
I can help you rise above your challenges and start moving towards your ideal life with less anxiety and more focus on your goals.
You will get the new mindset you need to discover traits about yourself that you haven't realized before, ways to manage stress, and tools to cope.
I am here to work with you to overcome these feelings and to become better equipped to handle life’s stress and anxiety. I’ve helped people who have struggled with constant worry find their way to feeling more calm.
My clients discover that it's possible to be happy and productive without always living and working at a frenzied pace.
We can work together to figure out the source of your stress, anxiety, and dread, then plan how to make lasting changes so that the 3am night terror is a thing of the past.